Nikolay Kulikov
Hey! Hi all, this is a resource where I plan to put my findings and materials on IT and primarily on cloud services and storage technologies.
10 posts
Enterprise Storage Benchmarking Guide

Enterprise Storage Synthetic Benchmarking Guide and Best Practices. Part 3. Practical Illustration based on Benchmarking VMware vSAN Case.

Well, let's go through the points outlined in Part 1 and Part 2 and look at an example of how testing might look end-to-end.

Enterprise Storage Synthetic Benchmarking Guide and Best Practices. Part 2. Success Criteria and Benchmarking Parameters.

As I mentioned in the first part of the guide, defining the goals and success criteria is a mandatory step for a successful POC. Of course, success criteria will vary, but they all have something in common — they should follow the S.M.A.R.T. rules:

Enterprise Storage Synthetic Benchmarking Guide and Best Practices. Part 1. General Theory, Methods, and Approaches.

For more than ten years in the IT industry, I have conducted a lot of tests and proof-of-concepts (POC) of various storage systems. While it was a completely different type of storage — traditional FC-connected SAN storage, NAS, SDS (Software Defined Storage), and HCI (Hyper Converged Infrastructure) platforms, the challenges were nearly the same. And quite often I faced a situation where tests were not anyhow aligned with the business needs and even were technically incorrect which led to the impossibility to deliver any meaningful results.